Layers of fear full game
Layers of fear full game


Saying it takes place aboard a ship is a tad disingenuous, as the setting is constantly shifting and transporting you to a variety of disparate environments. Similarly, much of Layers of Fear 2's art design is wrapped around the classic films that inspired it, which doesn't always come together in a consistent way. These creatures are unnerving, but they're not really specific to the game or this character, failing to capitalize on the strengths of psychological horror and the inherent importance of a character's fears and trepidations in manifesting intimate threats. During the first act you catch spectral forms out of the corner of your eye, and this eventually evolves into frequent appearances from crudely assembled mannequins and a formless monster that stalks you through much of the game. This decision doesn't coalesce with the story to provide a sense that your character's state of mind and past anguish are shaping what's happening. Childhood trauma is the key motif, built around the relationship you had with your sister, but Layers of Fear 2 regularly uses routine horror tropes as opposed to something more personal. You might not be able to put the whole picture together before the game's conclusion, but it's a familiar and clichéd tale that isn't too difficult to discern once events begin to wrap up. In order to “spread the good news”, you’ll have to train your flock and embark on a quest to explore and discover the secrets of five mysterious regions.The story itself is like a jigsaw puzzle some of the pieces come together as the narrative unfolds, but others are scattered across the environment as notes, optional puzzles, sound recordings, and paraphernalia that provide new details on your character's troubled past. You’ll also be destroying the non-believers and rival cults in a sprawling, randomly generated world, absorbing their power and asserting your cult’s dominance. In order to do so, you’ll be collecting and using resources to build new structures, perform dark rituals to appease the gods, and give unholy sermons to reinforce the faith. Players will start their cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland worshippers, all the while spreading your Word to become the one true cult. That lamb must repay their debt by building a loyal following in the stranger’s name.

layers of fear full game layers of fear full game

In case you need reminding of just what Cult of the Lamb is all about before release, players take on the role of a possessed lamb that was saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger.


Itching to get your cult growing in developer Massive Monster’s upcoming Cult of the Lamb? You won’t have to wait long, as the game will be arriving next month! Per PlayStation Blog, Cult of the Lamb will release on August 11th for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam.

layers of fear full game

The latest entry in the Layers of Fear series, Layers of Fear 2, is currently available on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. I’m really glad we’re coming back to this world, wiser and more experienced.” It paved the path for Bloober Team and began our rapid growth, allowing us to explore more stories we’ve wanted to tell.


When talking about the next entry in the series back in September, Bloober Team CEO Piotr Babiebo was quoted: “ Layers of Fear was a breakthrough project for us. And in case you had any doubts, the official Layers of Fear Twitter account posted the same image and phrase from the email. Taking a look at the image, it doesn’t take a stretch of the imagination to see that this new project will be a new Layers of Fear game, which was actually teased back in September.

layers of fear full game

The email accompanying the image reads “Reach beneath the surface and uncover the source of your fears.” Ignoring that rumour for a moment, Bloober Team has released teaser artwork for their upcoming project, which is heavily implied to be a new entry in the Layers of Fear series.

Layers of fear full game